Doji Masami

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Doji Masami
Kakita Bushi
Clan: Crane Clan
Daimyo: Doji Kei
Glory: 10.0
Honor: 8.9
Status: 3.4
Rank: 6
Player: Arwen McNierney


  • Doji Masami is a delicate and sickly young woman, with clammy, sallow skin and dark eyes. She typically wears a well-kept kimono with white or silver butterfly embroidery, and her shaved head is almost always covered by a jingasa.
  • Masami values courtesy extremely highly. Her manners are impeccable, and she works hard not only to prevent offense on her part but also everyone else's. This fact, along with her poor constitution, has resulted in her being mistaken for a courtier on more than one occasion.
  • Doji Haranobu, a returned spirit, is her great great great etc. grandfather from centuries ago. She frequently looks to him for guidance and often acts as his yojimbo.
  • Like her grandfather, Masami is an Emerald Champion supporter. While not as outspoken as he is, she makes no secret of her allegiance.
  • Thanks to dowry from a betrothal that has since fallen through, she runs a small village - Nengoro Mura - in the Kougen province.
  • Masami is a sensei at the Kakita Dueling Academy, at Kakita Takezo's recommendation.
  • She has a long standing rivalry with Mirumoto Sai. They are now married, and Sai has joined the Crane clan.
  • Now that she's been in six duels to the death, Masami is somewhat convinced that they can happen at any time. (She's probably not wrong.)

Modules Played


Courts Attended



Sorting out a personal timeline can be difficult in a living campaign, so dates are approximate. The below are listed in chronological order.

  • The Rivalry of Three Swords (Winter Court, 1137)
  • The Puppets with Three Swords (Harvest Festival, 1138)
  • Masami's Question (Spring, 1138)
  • The War of Three Swords (GenCon Battle Interactive and Confusion at Court, 1138)
  • The Brushes of Three Swords (Spring 1139 - Winter Court 1140)