Recent News

Campaign information is now live on the HoR wikipedia page!

Please go to the HoR wiki for information regarding Heroes of Rokugan 5.

HoR and Covid

Please understand that Heroes of Rokugan will be enforcing the current health guidelines within our space at conventions. This includes requiring masks. If you have a cold or other health condition, Please be safe and protect your friends by staying home and resting.

Character database

Here is the link for the section of the website that we use to sort out characters, experience, certs, reporting for the mods, and things of that nature. Character and Module manager!

Please go there and register, adding your character to the Character Manager on the left side of the page, (Top drop down tool bar on mobile) which will allow us to link your certs and exp to it.

Mods have been moved!

Please go to the HoR Main Site, and the link for Prior Campaigns, to download the mods from Spirit of Bushido!


New here?

Not sure what you've found or where to go? Check out these first then:
What is Heroes of Rokugan?
Character Creation